
Jumat, 01 Maret 2013

5 Good-for-You Foods with Healthy Bacteria for Your Stomach

5 Good-for-You Foods with Healthy Bacteria for Your Stomach

Normally when we think of bacteria we think of creepy crawly germs. But new research is flipping the idea of bacteria on its head. In fact, having a lack of so-called "good bacteria" in the stomach (or "gut" as researchers call it, which just gives me visions of my neighbor who drinks too much beer and mows his lawn shirtless) has been correlated with obesity, depression and overall decreased immunity.
For years scientists had believed that bacteria in the stomach was incredibly diverse, making it a full-out chore to categorize, study and generally make any health conclusions on. But, that's all changing with a recent study in the journal Nature. In the study, researchers used gene sequencing to catalog the hundreds of species of bacteria in the gut and what they found was surprisingly simple: There are just three kinds of basic bacteria in all of our tummies. Sort of like how we all know our blood type, researchers say that knowing what type of bacteria we have in our stomaches may help to better understand and treat diseases.
Obviously, this is new research and more study is needed, but the bottom line is that we can all do something right now to improve the bacteria in our stomachs to be healthier. Read on for five foods that are naturally high in the good healthy bacteria that your stomach loves!
5 Healthy Bacteria Foods
1. Miso. This soup made from fermented soy is high in good bacteria. Buy it in a paste at a natural-foods store or your closest international or Asian market. Or, have it my favorite way, before you dine on sushi!

2. Yogurt. This is probably the best-known healthy bacteria food of all. Look for low-sugar and lower-calorie yogurts that contain lactobacillus, bifidus and acidophilus to reap the stomach-health benefits.
3. Sauerkraut. Think sauerkraut is just for Oktoberfest or a topping for ballpark hot dogs? Think again! This fermented cabbage mixture contains lactobacilli plantarum and has been shown to give your immunity system a big boost, along with helping with the digestion of lactose and reducing the growth of yeast (an awesome perk for the ladies who struggle with yeast infections). It's also one of SHAPE's top 50 diet foods for spring.
4. Kombucha. This type of fermented tea definitely has a unique, fizzy taste to it, but those who drink it swear by its good-for-you-benefits for your stomach and your overall wellbeing.
5. Kefir. Kefir is a fermented milk product that is a natural probiotic. Found nowadays in everything from ready-to-drink smoothies to ice creams, kefir is usually better tolerated by those with lactose-intolerance than other diary-based fermented foods.
And if none of these foods sound good to you, consider supplementing your diet with a probiotic supplement, which you can find at any natural foods store.

Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

Fatty Acid That Can Reduce Fat Of Children

Children who have obese or overweight should keep fat intake to not continue to accumulate. Now supplements containing CLA can help reduce the amount of fat that have the little guy.

Small-scale studies report that supplements containing fat conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) may help children who are overweight to reduce the amount of fat, thus preventing the buildup of fat that occurs.

In this study researchers found that children of overweight and obesity showed less accumulation of fat when taking supplements of CLA for 7 months, compared with the placebo group. In addition children who consume these supplements also showed good levels of HDL cholesterol.

This suggests CLA supplements can help children experience less overall fat deposition so good for the health of children, although its effectiveness in children should be studied further. These results are reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. as quoted from FOXNews, Saturday (01/21/2012).

The study, led by Natalie M Racine from the University of Wisconsin-Madison involving 62 children aged 6-10 years who are overweight or obese. Randomly these children were given CLA or a placebo that is sometimes added to milk once a day for 7 months.

Researchers found the CLA can help melt the fat body. In one recent study found obese women who have diabetes can reduce some fat in their bodies by eating sulemen this for 4 months.

CLA is an unsaturated fatty acid that can also be found in products of beef, lamb and milk. However, CLA supplementation given to children in this study are generally derived from vegetable oils rich in linoleic acid.

Obesity that occurs in children should not be taken lightly, because it can be a serious problem. It is associated with risk factors for numerous diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke and other diseases.

7 Foods To Strengthen Men's Muscles

Strong and good muscles can be obtained with adequate calories, fluids, proteins and physical exercises to strengthen muscles. Drink plenty of fluids, eat foods rich in energy with physical exercise can make men more muscular.

Balanced food intake as recommended by the Dietary Guidelines 2010 is a good basis for planning a diet. According to the American Dietetic Association (ADA) and American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the recipe for getting a good muscle shape is having a balanced diet with enough calories to support physical exercise.

ADA and ACSM recommend adequate intake of calories, including fat and protein. Recommendations with an emphasis on five or more daily servings of fruits and vegetables, grains, cereals, beans, and enough fluid. Enough fluids necessary for optimal hydration.

To obtain the results of physical exercise that aims to build muscle, it requires a combination of healthy carbohydrates and protein. Protein is essential for building and repairing muscle. While carbohydrates can provide energy for fuel.

But it certainly can not expect to have good muscle simply by eating protein alone.

"Proteins can serve to build muscle if it is accompanied by physical exercises that aim to build muscle," says Christine Rosenbloom, PhD, RD and editor editor of the ADA's Sports Nutrition Manual.

The experts recommend a diet that can serve to build muscle as quoted by WebMD, Monday (12/12/2011), among others:

1. Fruit and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are the foundation of all healthy diets. Always include a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables because it can provide fiber, vitamins, minerals, and fluids. Vegetables also contain small amounts of protein.

2. Low-fat milk
Low-fat milk can provide high-quality protein, carbohydrates, and essential vitamins such as vitamin D, potassium, and calcium.

Rosenbloom and Clark recommends chocolate milk as a good drink for recovery after physical exercise. If someone is lactose intolerance, may be able to choose yogurt with active cultures.

3. Meat
Meat is a source of protein, iron, and amino acids including leucine. The content of iron in meat is useful for the transport of oxygen to the muscles. "The nutrients in meat can trigger muscle growth," said Rosenbloom.

4. Dark chicken meat
Skinless chicken is quite good because it is low in fat. However, by choosing a dark chicken meat and increase by 25 percent iron, and zinc increased 3 times to help get a healthy immune system.

5. Eggs
2010 Dietary Guidelines say that, one egg a day is good for a healthy diet, but do not discard the yolk. "Eggs contain all the essential amino acids and proteins in egg yolk and a half with other nutrients such as lutein has the eye health benefits," says Rosenbloom.

6. Bean
Raw nuts without salt or roasted nuts are good sources of protein that also contains vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and healthy fats.

7. Cereals
Grain is a quality carbohydrate, and contains small amounts of protein. A small amount of protein in grains can provide energy and build muscle, along with fiber, vitamins and antioxidants.

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

9 Foods That Can Improve the Immune System

 A healthy food can defense the body from disease. It takes more than an apple a day to keep away from doctors. Apparently, eating enough nutrients can help keep the immune system against viruses and harmful bacteria.

As reported by, Wednesday (14/12/2011), this food can give us extra strength to fight the flu in winter :

1. Yogurt
Probiotics in yogurt are healthy bacteria that keep the intestines and digestive tract free of disease-causing germs.

Though already available in supplement form, a study from the University of Vienna in Austria found that 7 ounces of yogurt each day is as effective as an immune tonic.

In a Swedish study of 181 factory employees, those who take daily supplements of Lactobacillus reuteri (special probiotic that works to stimulate white blood cells) have a number of 33% fewer sick days than those given placebos.

Optimal dose: Two 6-ounce servings per day.

2. Wheat and barley
According to reports a study in Norway, these grains contain beta-glucan, a type of fiber with antimicrobial and antioxidant capabilities more potent than echinacea.

When animals eat this compound, they tend to be less frequently attacked by influenza, herpes, even anthrax. In humans, the benefits can enhance immunity, accelerate wound healing, and help antibiotics work better.

Optimal dose: At least one of three daily servings of grains.

3. Garlic
Garlic contains allicin, the active ingredient that fights infection and bacteria.

British researchers gave 146 people a placebo or a garlic extract for 12 weeks. The result, participants who ate garlic two-thirds less likely to get the flu.

Other studies have shown that people who chew garlic more than six cloves a week have a colorectal cancer rate 30% lower rate of stomach cancer and 50% lower.

Optimal dose: Two raw cloves a day and add crushed garlic in cooking for a couple of times a week.

4. Fish
Selenium is contained in shellfish, lobster, and crabs. Its function is to help white blood cells produce proteins that help cytokine flu virus out of the body.

Salmon, mackerel, and herring rich in omega-3 fats that are useful to reduce inflammation, increase air flow, and protect the lungs from colds and respiratory infections.
Optimal dose: Two servings a week (except when get pregnant or planning to become pregnant).

5. Chicken Soup
Researchers from the University of Nebraska found that chicken-flavored ramen noodle block the migration of the inflammation caused by white blood cells.
This finding is important because cold symptoms respond to the accumulation of cells in the bronchial tubes. Cysteine ​​amino acid is produced from chicken during the cooking process. These chemicals resembles the bronchitis drug acetylcysteine.

If the added spices such as garlic and onions, may boost immunity.

Optimal dose: One bowl when feeling tired.

6. Tea
A Harvard study found that people who drank five cups of black tea a day for 2 weeks has the ability to fight 10 times as much virus in their blood than other people who drank a placebo beverage.

L-theanine, an amino acid that is responsible boost immunity, much abundant in black tea and green tea either.

Optimal dose: A few cups a day.

7. Beef
Zinc deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiency in American adults, especially for vegetarians and people who have reduced portions of beef, the main source of minerals that strengthen immunity.

Mild zinc deficiency in its early stages it can increase the risk of infection. Zinc in the diet is essential for the development of white blood cells, cells of the immune system that functions to recognize and destroy bacteria, viruses, and various other substances.

Optimal dose: 3 ounces of lean beef provides about 30 percent of the Daily Value of zinc. If you do not like beef, you can try oysters, fortified cereals, pork, poultry, yogurt, or milk.

8. Sweet Potato
Sweet potato serves as first-line fortress against bacteria and viruses.

To stay strong and healthy, skin needs vitamin A. Vitamin A has a major role in the production of connective tissue, a key component of the skin.

One of the best ways to get vitamin A in the diet is from foods containing beta-carotene (such as sweet potatoes) are converted by the body into vitamin A.

Optimal dose: One-half cup serving provides only 170 calories but 40 percent daily value of beta carotene. Other foods rich in beta-carotene: carrots, pumpkin, canned pumpkin, and melons.

9. Mushrooms
For centuries, people around the world have made use of mushrooms for a healthy immune system.

Research has shown that mushrooms increase the production and activity of white blood cells, making them more aggressive. This is good when the body is exposed to infection.

Optimal dose: shitake, maitake, and reishi mushrooms appear to be most beneficial for the immune system. Experts recommend at least 1 / 4 ounce to an ounce a few times a day.